Top 5 Bedroom Plants that Promote Better Sleep
If you remember tales from sitting on your Granny’s knee about the ill effects of having plants in your bedroom, you probably do not have plants in your bedroom. It is now well-known that plant life’s benefits in your sanctuary benefit you and everyone in the household, including pets. Bedroom plants certainly help improve the quality of your night’s rest. You will get plenty of fresh air and cleaner oxygen that relaxes and soothes you, reduces stress and lessens anxiety. A good mattress that suits you is essential. There are so many different styles of mattresses on the market nowadays that will go hand in hand with the addition of your bedroom plants to ensure you a great night’s sleep and renewed energy in the morning! Aromatherapy is a household word nowadays; it is proven to aid the quality of your sleep, so a bedroom plant or plants is the way forward!
Some household plants can be toxic or poisonous if eaten (especially by pets) and may cause health issues. Do not be put off by knowing a plant may be harmful to some degree, even poisonous; knowledge is the key. It is always important to gain information about any bedroom plant you are considering purchasing, so do an online search. It is worth the time taken for your reassurance and confidence in having a plant in your bedroom and the fantastic benefits they offer. We all have such busy lives that getting a good night’s sleep is paramount to our overall well-being and, in some cases, sanity! Sleep is an essential part of optimising your physical health as well. Sleep helps us heal and repair; poor quality sleep is linked to many increased risk issues, including kidney disease, heart disease, heightened blood pressure, strokes and even diabetes. So, let’s do ourselves a favour and get a bedroom plant; you won’t look back. This article offers information on a range of ideal plants for you and your bedroom that aid in getting a relaxed night’s sleep and sometimes renewed energy the next day. This article also explains the benefits of some plants’ essential oils, flower sachets, and teas.
1. Chinese Evergreen, Latin name: Aglaonema
The Chinese Evergreen is a trendy house plant commonly known as a lucky plant in China. It is growing in popularity thanks to the clean air in the most important sanctuary, the bedroom! It does not grow too large, usually around two to three feet, so do not be worried it will become too big for your room. It doesn’t require much attention, which is always suitable for non-green fingers! Watering and sunlight aren’t a real issue for this plant, but remember that it will look after you if you look after your evergreen. Though the plant does not ordinarily produce pretty flowers when it blooms, it is attractive with distinctive broad, beautiful striped leathery leaves. If you have a pet, be mindful as this plant contains calcium oxalate crystals, which can cause swelling in the mouth and gastrointestinal tract if ingested.
The Chinese Evergreen plant aids sleep, as it is effective at cleaning the air that may be filled with toxins and air pollutants; it is unique what simple nature can do. Toxins can cause health conditions in your respiratory system; minimising these toxins lessens the possibility of good sleep. So, by having one of these plants in your bedroom, you will benefit from the clean air around you and ensure a good night’s rest.
2. Lavender, Latin name: Lavandula
You have to use Lavender; who hasn’t heard of it? So why not try gaining the benefits of this adorable plant? The history of Lavender goes back a very long way; it is said that Queen Elizabeth enjoyed a Lavender preserve in the 1600s. From flower sachets to essential oils, this is quite a versatile plant.
There are over forty species of Lavender, many of whom are used in the game of relaxation. French Lavenders tend to grow better in the bedroom, as they are smaller than their English counterpart and more suited to growing in a plant pot. Once your Lavender is established, it does not need much water but a good amount of sunlight. In the daytime, pop it outside and bring it into your room in the evenings or leave it by an open window; the scent will automatically come in. Lavender can offer a relaxing environment and encourage better sleep. Lavender increases slow-wave sleep, which is instrumental for slowing the heartbeat and relaxing those muscles. The scent of Lavender reduces stress, both in adults and, believe it or not, babies too, offering them a deeper sleep, and a deep sleep usually means more energy in the morning, not only for your baby but for you as well. Crushing the Lavender flowers produces an intense but beautiful fragrance and oil that repels mosquitoes. It has antifungal, antiseptic qualities and analgesic too.
It also works as an anxiety reliever and a sedative, which increases that relaxation and calm feeling. Essential oils have a more pungent scent, as do flower sachets that you can pop under your pillow but growing the plant in your bedroom is aesthetically pleasing. Don’t forget you can always trim those leaves and use them for flower sachets under your pillow.
3. Spider Plant, Latin name: Chlorophytum Comosum
Of African origin, the Spider plant came to European shores around two hundred years ago. It is a very hardy houseplant, requiring little maintenance. It is suitable for growing in a pot and perfect for your bedroom. As the Spider Plant multiplies, you can remove the plantlets, and yes, you can grow more, so it is cost-effective for you and great for the rest of the house and family. Your pets can and will eat the leaves; they are attracted to them and mildly hallucinogenic, so you know.
Spider Plants are fantastic at improving the air quality in your bedroom. They absorb fumes and toxins that are in the air. Nasty chemicals such as benzene, formaldehyde, and carbon monoxide, to name just a few, can be a thing of the past if you have a Spider Plant in your bedroom and perhaps the rest of the house. These chemicals can cause headaches and brain fog, which is terrible for us. The Spider Plant increases oxygen in the air and filters the above nasties out! A Spider Plant in your bedroom is ideal for a clear head and thought pattern.
4. Passion Flower – Latin name: Passiflora
The Passion Flower is a beautiful vine with exceptional blooms, with over five hundred species of this plant. It is associated with Christ as parts of the flower represent aspects of the crucifixion. Roman Catholic priests named it back in the fifteen hundreds, connecting it to the pain and suffering of Jesus Christ.
Passion Flowers help relieve anxiety and insomnia. The colour of the flower is said to brighten your spirits with its bold and bright colour, which can have a powerful effect on your emotions, even to the extent of becoming more alert and energising you. Research has found that the Passion Flower plant can reduce anxiety much better than some anxiety-relieving drugs, nature at its best! It may be smoked as a substitute cigarette, but be warned that it can make you high, so perhaps it is not recommended. It is good to know that Passion Flower tea is a natural sedative. Passion Flower or pre-packaged tea can be sourced at some health food shops; you can also buy capsules, liquid extracts or tablets. If you are keen, you could look into homemaking teas; this may take time, but it is always worth it. It may boost the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) level in your brain. GABA relieves many ailments, including reducing premenstrual syndrome and anxiety symptoms, improving mood, and treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. GABA lowers brain activity, which may help you sleep better when relaxed. There can be side effects of using Passion Flower, but not in its plant form. As always, read up about the plants you decide to have in your bedroom.
5. The Peace Lily, Latin name: Spathiphyllum
The Peace Lily is an evergreen and slow-growing plant; it does not get much bigger than two feet, so it is not too big for that perfect spot in your bedroom. It has beautiful glossy broad leaves and exquisite white blooms, and it does not require too much sunshine! It is a tropical plant that historically lives in the rainforests of South America and Venezuela, among other countries. It aids good sleep by absorbing airborne mould spores that are common allergens. These beautiful plants bring calmness and alleviate stress in the body and mind. Feng Shui followers like this plant believe it brings positive energy and peace to any room.
The Peace Lily is also an air cleaner like the Spider Plant, but this plant has the bonus of increasing the humidity in the room by up to 5%. Increasing humidity in your bedroom is excellent for easy breathing while you sleep. Low humidity causes static electricity, which can cause dry skin and dry hair. Low humidity can also increase your susceptibility to colds and other respiratory illnesses, allowing germs to flourish and viruses to grow. Passion Flowers will assist in removing acetone and alcohol that can harm your health; items in your house that have these are things like nail polish remover, varnish and paints. Believe it or not, these vapours can cause a lack of coordination, low blood pressure, lethargy and headaches. So, having a Peace Lily take up residence in your home keeps the air clean for everyone.
The Benefits of having a plant in the bedroom
So, what have we learnt about having a plant or plants in our bedrooms, and what are the benefits?
- Relaxation aids in a better REM cycle.
- Increased good air quality benefits your respiratory system.
- Increased humidity is suitable for your hair, skin and respiratory system, and more oxygen into your room.
- Removal of acetone and alcohol in the air, minimising headaches, low blood pressure, lack of coordination and lethargy.
- It brings calmness and is stress-reducing.
- Gets rid of unwanted toxins and pollutants in the air.
- Increases slow-wave sleep, which slows the heartbeat and relaxes muscles.
- Tea can be made from some of these plants, which offer relaxation.
- Flower sachets can be made from the flower to aid restful sleep.
- Bring positivity and energy into your room.
- A mosquito deterrent that smells wonderful too.