Is Your Mattress Sinking in the Middle? Here’s Why

Is Your Mattress Sinking in the Middle? Here's Why
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Photo: Mattress Nut

Published ilm_admin ⋅ Review Editor
June 18, 2023

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A mattress that sinks in the middle can be a frustrating experience for those sleeping on it. Over time, mattresses can lose their shape and support, causing them to sag or sink in the middle. This can lead to discomfort and back pain, making getting a good night’s rest difficult. There are several reasons why mattresses sink in the middle. One of the most common causes is a lack of proper support. Without enough support, the body’s weight can cause the mattress to sag in the middle, leading to discomfort and pain.

Another reason for sinking mattresses is the natural wear and tear that occurs over time. As the mattress ages, it will lose shape and support, causing it to sag in the middle. If you own a mattress that’s sagging/has dips In it, there are several things you can do to fix the problem. From adding extra support to replacing the mattress, solutions are available to help you get a better night’s sleep. By understanding the causes of sinking mattresses and taking steps to address the problem, you can enjoy a comfortable and supportive sleeping surface for years to come.

Causes of Mattress Sinking

Mattresses are essential to our daily lives, and a good night’s sleep is vital to our health and well-being. However, mattresses can develop dips in the middle, which can be uncomfortable. Here are a few reasons as to why this happens:

  1. Worn-Out Springs – Worn-out springs are one of the most common reasons a mattress can sink in the middle. Mattresses with coil or pocket springs are designed to support and distribute weight evenly. However, the springs can wear out over time (from all the pressure/ weight applied), causing the mattress to sag. This is particularly true for mattresses that have been in use for several years.
  2. Poor Quality Materials – A mattress can start sagging due to low-quality materials. Mattresses that are made with low-quality foam or coils may not be able to withstand the weight of the body over time. This can cause the mattress to lose its shape and develop dips. Investing in a high-quality, durable mattress ensures it lasts long.
  3. Improper Use – Improper mattress use can also cause it to sink in the middle. For example, placing heavy objects on the mattress, jumping on it, or sleeping in the same spot every night can all cause the mattress to lose shape and develop a sinking feeling in the middle. It is essential to use the mattress properly and follow the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure it lasts long.

Preventing Mattress Sinking

  • Proper Maintenance – Preventative maintenance is the greatest option for your mattress’s durability and long-term comfort. Regularly changing your sleeping position can help prevent the development of body impressions that can lead to sagging. Rotating your mattress every three to six months to distribute the wear evenly is also essential. This can help prevent sagging and prolong the life of your mattress. Additionally, keeping your mattress clean and dry can help prevent the growth of mould and mildew.
  • Choosing the Right Mattress – Choosing the right mattress can prevent sagging. It is essential to select a mattress that provides proper support for your body type and sleeping position. Choosing a mattress made with high-quality materials that can withstand wear and tear over time is also necessary. A mattress with a strong support system, such as a sturdy base or box spring, can help prevent sagging.
  • Using a Mattress Topper – A mattress topper can provide an extra support layer and help prevent sagging. A mattress topper can also help distribute your body weight more evenly, reducing pressure on any area of the mattress. When selecting a mattress topper, choose one made with quality materials and the right thickness. A thicker topper may provide more support but may also be less comfortable for some sleepers.

Fixing a Sunken Mattress

If you have a sagging mattress, here is what you can do to fix the problem:

  • Rotating and Flipping the Mattress – One of the best solutions to fixing a sunken mattress is to rotate and flip it regularly. This will help distribute the weight evenly across the mattress, preventing sagging. Mattresses should be turned and flipped every 3 to 6 months or more often.
  • Adding Support – If rotating and flipping the mattress don’t help, you can try adding support to the bed. One way to do this is using a mattress topper, which can help out any sagging and provide extra cushioning. Another option is to use plywood bed slats or a box spring to support the mattress. You can also consider using a sturdier bed frame to help prevent sagging.
  • Replacing the Mattress – If your mattress is old and worn out, it may be time to replace it. Over time, mattresses can lose their shape and support, leading to sagging in the middle. When shopping for a new mattress, look for one with good support and durability. Consider investing in a quality mattress that will last longer and prevent sagging.

There are various reasons why a mattress sinks. It is essential to identify the cause of the problem to find an appropriate solution. Investing in a good quality mattress that provides adequate support and comfort is recommended. Additionally, it is essential to maintain the mattress properly by flipping and rotating it regularly to prevent uneven wear and tear. A mattress topper or a quality bed frame can also help avoid sinking in the middle.

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