How to maximize your bedroom environment for better sleep

How to maximize your bedroom environment better sleep
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Photo: Spacejoy

Published Sarah Adams ⋅ Review Editor
July 24, 2022

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Everyone wants a good night’s sleep, but not everyone knows how to create an environment conducive to sleeping well. So if you’re struggling to get the shut-eye you need, consider changing your bedroom to help you sleep better. Most people don’t put much thought into their bedroom environment, but you can do a few things to make it more conducive to sleep.

16 Tips – How to optimize your bedroom environment

  1. Invest in a comfortable mattress – Creating a comfortable sleep environment starts with a comfortable mattress. A comfortable mattress is important in creating healthy sleep habits and getting the rest you need to feel your best. Invest in a quality mattress that will offer you the support and comfort you need for a good night’s sleep. It’s surprising how often people forget that their mattress is vital to getting a good night’s sleep. A comfortable mattress is an investment that will pay off in better sleep and improved overall health.
  2. Choose the right pillow – Pillows are another vital part of creating a comfortable sleep environment. Choose a pillow that is the right size and firmness. If you have trouble sleeping, try a different filling or size pillow. The right pillow can make a big difference in the quality of your sleep. Choose a comfortable and supportive pillow to help you get the rest you need.
  3. Create a dark and quiet environment – Your bedroom should be dark and quiet to sleep well. Consider investing in blackout curtains or blinds to keep the light out. If noise is a problem, try using a white noise machine or earplugs to help you sleep. A dark and quiet environment is a must for good sleep. Blackout curtains or blinds can help create this environment, and a white noise machine can help block out any disruptive noises.
  4. Keep your bedroom cool – Most people sleep best in a cool, comfortable environment. Consider setting the thermostat to a comfortable temperature and using a fan or air conditioner to keep the room cool. A cool, comfortable environment is ideal for sleep. If you are getting too hot at night, try setting the thermostat to a cooler temperature or using a fan to circulate the air. Consider buying a cooling mattress.
  5. Reserve your bed for sleep – You must train your mind that your bed is for sleep. To do this, avoid using your bed for anything other than sleep. This means no working, watching TV, or using your laptop in bed. By reserving your bed for sleep, you can train your mind to associate your bed with sleep. This will make it easier to fall asleep when you go to bed and get the restful sleep you need.
  6. Never eat while lying in bed – Eating while lying in bed can disrupt your sleep and lead to indigestion. You can get crumbs and attract pests, so eating in bed is generally not good. If you’re hungry at night, eat a light snack before bed and avoid eating anything heavy. Eat only in the kitchen or dining room, so you don’t bring food into your bedroom. This will help keep your bedroom clean and free of potential pests. Also, it will help you associate your bedroom with sleeping and nothing else.
  7. Keep your bedroom clean – Make sure to declutter and keep it clean to create a peaceful environment. Your bedroom should be a relaxing haven, not a place for stress. A clean, clutter-free bedroom will help you sleep better. Regularly cleaning your bedroom is vital for maintaining a good sleep environment. A messy, cluttered bedroom can be a source of stress and make it difficult to sleep. Keep your bedroom clean and tidy to help you relax and get a good night’s sleep.
  8. Keep your bedroom free of electronics with screens – TV, laptops, tablets, and phones. The light from screens can disrupt your sleep and make it harder to fall asleep. If you need to use a device with a screen at night, use the night shift setting to reduce the amount of blue light, it emits. Some people can’t fall asleep without watching TV, but screens’ light can disrupt your sleep. Avoid using electronic devices with screens the hour before bed. If you can’t avoid it, minimize your exposure by turning down the screen’s brightness.
  9. Make your bedroom smell great with aroma therapy – The right scent can help you relax and sleep better. Try using a diffuser with an essential oil like lavender or chamomile to help you sleep. The smell of lavender has been shown to help people relax and fall asleep more easily. You might want to avoid candles and incense because they can be a fire hazard. However, even a lavender-scented pillow spray can help you relax and fall asleep more easily.
  10. Use comfortable sheets – Invest in some high-quality, comfortable sheets. Soft, breathable fabrics will help you sleep better, keeping you cool and comfortable. Cotton or linen sheets are a good choice. The sheets you choose can make a big difference in how comfortable you are at night. If you wake up hot and sweaty, you’ll probably have difficulty falling asleep. The suitable sheets can help you stay cool and comfortable all night long.
  11. Wash your bedding regularly – Your bedding should be clean and fresh for the best sleep. Wash your sheets, pillowcases, and blankets in hot water at least once weekly. You might need to wash your bedding more often if you have allergies. Dust mites and other allergens can collect in your bedding and cause problems if you’re allergic to them.
  12. Use a humidifier – Dry air can make it difficult to breathe and sleep. A humidifier can help moisten the air and make it easier to sleep. Clean your humidifier regularly to prevent mould and mildew if you have allergies. A great thing about using a humidifier is that it can help you sleep better and prevent dry skin. You’ll quickly notice how much better you sleep when the air is more humid.
  13. Have carpeting around your bed to avoid stepping on a cold floor – You’re bound to wake up at night, and the last thing you want is to step on a cold floor. Carpeting around your bed will help keep your feet warm and reduce noise. Consider placing a rug beside your bed for extra warmth and comfort if you have hardwood floors. Floors can get cold at night, and a rug will help keep your feet warm.
  14. Ensure no drafts are coming in from your windows – A drafty window can make sleeping difficult. Make sure your windows are well-sealed to keep drafts out. If you can’t seal your windows, consider using a window film or covering your windows with curtains. Another idea is to use a heavy comforter or quilt to block the draft. Then, tack up the quilt over your window using pushpins or Velcro. Velcro is an excellent option because it’s easy to remove when you want to let in a little light.
  15. Get a fan or air conditioner to stay cool – Sleep can be difficult if you get too hot at night. A fan or air conditioner can help to keep your room cool and comfortable. If you have an air conditioner, keep the temperature set comfortable. You don’t want it to be too cold, or you’ll wake up in the middle of the night. Keep the fan on at night to circulate the air and keep you cool. However, you don’t want the fan to be directly on your head, which can cause a headache.
  16. Keep pets out of your bedroom – If you have pets, they might not be welcome in your bedroom. Pets can be disruptive and make it difficult to sleep. If you must have a pet in your bedroom, ensure it is well-behaved and doesn’t make too much noise. You might also want to consider keeping your pet’s bed in your bedroom so they can sleep near you but not on your bed. This can help create a sense of security while keeping your bedroom clean.

How to maximize your bedroom environment for better sleep

Final Thoughts

A proper sleep environment can significantly affect how well you sleep. You can create a more comfortable bedroom conducive to a good night’s sleep by making simple changes. You might not know it, but how you set up your bedroom can significantly impact how well you sleep. So if you wake up frequently or toss and turn at night, it might be time to look closer at your bedroom environment. The best changes you can make to your bedroom will help you sleep more comfortably. Consider the tips above to create a more sleep-friendly bedroom.

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