Mattress Shopping Tips For Couples

Mattress Shopping Tips For Couples
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Photo: Drazen Zigic

Published ilm_admin ⋅ Review Editor
April 11, 2023

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If you share a bed with your partner, choosing the right mattress is crucial for a good night’s sleep. Mattress shopping can be overwhelming, especially if you have different sleeping preferences or needs. However, with the right tips and information, you can find a mattress that suits both of you. When shopping for a mattress as a couple, it’s essential to consider several factors. First, think about your sleeping positions and preferences.

Another essential consideration is motion isolation. If you or your partner toss and turn at night, a mattress with good motion isolation can prevent you from disturbing each other’s sleep. Additionally, edge support can be vital if you or your partner sleep close to the edge of the bed. Considering these factors, you can find a mattress that works well for both of you.

What Factors to Consider

Shopping for a mattress as a couple can be challenging, as you need to find a bed that accommodates your needs and preferences. Here are three factors to consider when looking for the right mattress for you and your partner:

1. Size

The size of your mattress is an essential factor to consider, especially if you and your partner have different sleeping preferences. A larger mattress, such as a king or super king, can provide ample space for both of you to move around without disturbing each other’s sleep. However, a larger mattress may not be suitable for smaller bedrooms. In this case, a double or small-double mattress may be a better option.

2. Firmness

Find a mattress that adequately supports your body weight and sleeping position. Choosing the right firmness level is essential for a good night’s sleep. Consider a mattress with dual firmness levels if you and your partner have different preferences. This will allow you to choose the firmness level that suits you best. Alternatively, you can opt for a medium-firm mattress, which is a good compromise for most couples.

3. Motion Transfer

If you or your partner move around often at night, choosing a mattress that minimises motion transfer is essential. This means the movements on one side of the mattress won’t disturb the other person’s sleep. Memory foam mattresses are known for their excellent motion isolation properties. Alternatively, you can opt for a pocket-sprung mattress with individually wrapped coils, providing good motion isolation.

Types of Mattresses

Choosing the correct type of mattress is crucial for a good night’s sleep. Here are the three most common types of mattresses:

  • Innerspring Mattresses – Innerspring mattresses are the most traditional type of mattress. They are made up of coils that provide support and comfort. The number of coils and the gauge of the wire used can affect the firmness and durability of the mattress. Innerspring mattresses are a good choice for those who like a bouncy feel and prefer a cooler sleeping surface. When shopping for an innerspring mattress, look for one with a high coil count and a lower gauge. This will provide better support and last longer. Additionally, consider the type of padding on top of the coils. A pillow top or Euro-top can provide extra comfort.
  • Memory Foam Mattresses – Memory foam mattresses are viscoelastic foam that conforms to your body shape. They provide excellent pressure relief and are a good choice for those with joint pain or who prefer a softer sleeping surface. Memory foam mattresses can also absorb motion, making them a good choice for couples who don’t want to be disturbed by their partner’s movements. When shopping for a memory foam mattress, look for a higher-density foam. This will provide better support and last longer. Additionally, consider the thickness of the foam. A thicker foam can provide extra comfort but may also retain more heat.
  • Latex Mattresses – Latex mattresses are made of natural or synthetic latex foam. They provide excellent support and are a good choice for those who prefer a firmer sleeping surface. Latex mattresses are also hypoallergenic and resistant to dust mites and mould. When shopping for a latex mattress, look for a high percentage of natural latex. This will provide better support and last longer. Additionally, consider the firmness of the latex. A firmer latex can offer better support but may not be as comfortable for those who prefer a softer sleeping surface.

Shopping Together

Shopping for a mattress together is an essential step for couples. It can help you find a mattress that meets your needs and preferences. Here are some tips to make the process easier:

  • Compromise – When shopping for a mattress together, compromise is essential. You may have different sleeping positions, firmness preferences, or budget constraints. Take the time to listen to each other and find a mattress that meets your needs. Consider a bed with different firmness levels on each side or a mattress topper that can be added or removed to adjust the firmness.
  • Budgeting – Before you start shopping, set a budget. Mattresses can range in price from a few hundred to several thousand pounds. Discuss how much you are willing to spend and stick to your budget. Remember that a good mattress invests in your health and well-being, so don’t skimp on quality. You may also want to consider financing options or payment plans to stay within a specific budget.
  • Testing the Mattress – When shopping for a mattress together, it’s essential to test it out. Lie on the mattress in your typical sleeping position and see how it feels. Spend 10-15 minutes on each mattress to get a good idea of its comfort level. Don’t be afraid to ask the salesperson questions or try out different mattresses. Some stores may even offer a sleep trial period where you can test the mattress at home and return it if it’s not the right fit.

Remember, finding the right mattress for both of you may take time and patience. But with compromise, budgeting, and testing, you can find a mattress that meets your needs and ensures a good night’s sleep.

Final Thoughts

Shopping for a mattress as a couple can be daunting, but following these tips can make the process easier and more enjoyable. Remember to take your time, research, and consider your sleeping preferences and needs.

Start by setting a budget and determining your mattress size requirements. Then, consider factors such as firmness, support, and motion isolation to find a mattress that will meet your needs. Don’t be afraid to test out different mattresses in-store or take advantage of sleep trials and warranties offered by many mattress companies. If you and your partner have other sleeping preferences, consider a customisable mattress or a mattress topper to create a sleep surface that works for both of you. Remember, a good night’s sleep is essential for your overall health and well-being, so invest in a mattress that will provide you with the comfort and support you need to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead.

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