How Much Can I Afford to Spend on a Mattress?

How Much Can I Afford to Spend on a Mattress
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Photo: Tim Mossholder

Published Kassy Walton ⋅ Review Editor
September 17, 2022

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When searching for a mattress, there are many aspects to consider, but the price will often be the determining factor. Although many people will search for a great deal, they must also consider their requirements when finding the right fit for their bedroom. Although choosing the cheapest mattress available can seem like the perfect way of saving money, you will likely replace it sooner, making it more expensive than purchasing a premium mattress. The following is an overview of determining your budget for a mattress and some considerations to ensure you obtain total value for money from your purchase.

The Different Types of Mattresses Available

Although many mattresses can seem similar, there are often several differences, which all contribute to the price of a mattress. Those unsure of what mattress type suits their needs can choose from the following.

  1. Open Spring Mattress – Open spring mattresses, also known as open coil mattresses, are crafted using a piece of wire coiled within the mattress. Additional wiring is used to create the border of the mattress. Open spring mattresses provide a comfortable night’s sleep, but there can be limitations for those searching for additional support. Open spring mattresses are among the most affordable, and modern-day iterations provide several firmness ratings. Many also find that open-spring mattresses are less durable than other types and better suited to guest bedrooms or spare rooms.
  2. Pocket Spring Mattress – Whereas open spring mattresses are manufactured using single pieces of wire, pocket spring mattresses use individual springs, often encased in a fabric pocket. This makes them more durable than open-spring alternatives and ideal for hot sleepers. Various densities ensure pocket spring mattresses support those with back problems without affecting their partner at night. The individual support also makes the mattress a robust option compared to an open spring alternative. Pocket spring mattresses are more expensive than open spring options but are still very affordable and offer better value for money for those using their mattresses regularly.
  3. Memory Foam Mattress – Memory foam mattresses have found favour among many in the United Kingdom and can offer several benefits for those with back conditions. Memory foam is a malleable material that conforms to a person’s body shape. This makes a memory foam mattress the ideal fit for those wanting to maintain a good posture for sleeping and those with back problems. However, if you’re prone to overheating when sleeping, memory foam mattresses won’t always be the best fit. There are many options regarding memory foam mattresses, but choosing a recognised and reputable manufacturer is essential. Otherwise, the mattress may not have the desired effect.
  4. Latex Mattress – As the name suggests, latex mattresses are crafted from latex, making them durable and breathable. Latex mattresses also aid those who may suffer from allergies, as latex is hypoallergenic. However, despite its positives, latex mattresses often provide a firmer surface than other options, so they won’t always be the best fit for those searching for joint and back support when sleeping. Many options are available regarding latex mattresses, meaning they’re often attainable for many budgets. However, as with other mattress types, it is essential to choose a recognised manufacturer so you can be assured of quality.
  5. Hybrid Mattress – Despite the many options available, some people will still have difficulty finding the right fit. Fortunately, hybrid mattresses can be the perfect compromise when searching for a good night’s sleep. Although more expensive than the other options listed, they are ideal for those who find other mattresses that aren’t up to the task. Hybrid will be created using different materials and styles, including coils, memory foam and latex.

Knowing Your Sleep Position Can Help Find the Right Mattress

Specifying how much a person can afford to spend on a mattress can be difficult because everyone is different. Although some have ailments and conditions to consider, others must factor in their sleeping position and whether anyone else will be sharing the mattress.

Those who usually sleep on their back or stomach often find the firmness of hybrid mattresses perfect, whereas those who sleep on their side will prefer the moulding qualities of a memory foam mattress.

Knowing How Much to Spend on a Mattress

Knowing how much to spend on a mattress can be challenging, as everybody’s requirements differ. However, those searching for a mattress should be mindful that simply choosing the cheapest option is rarely a worthwhile investment. This doesn’t necessarily mean choosing the most expensive option but finding a mattress type that meets your needs and browsing the available options within your budget. The following is only an example of the mattress available for your budget, so you should always research.

£100 – £500

For this price range, the choice of mattresses will often be in the budget range, although there can be exceptions. You can find plenty of quality mattresses within this price range which can offer the support needed when sleeping, but they will often be manufactured using cheaper materials.

£500 – £1000

Those with a small budget but looking for durability can expect to pay between £500 and £1000. There will often be more choices regarding the type of mattress you can purchase, including hybrid and memory foam options, which can provide more durability.

£1000 – £1500

Spending between £1000 and £15000 is the typical budget when shopping for mattresses, as there can be many mattresses you can choose from, and you have confidence that the mattresses will provide plenty of longevity.


If you are searching for mattresses tailored to your specific needs, you can expect to pay more for them, but there are many benefits if your budget allows it. In addition to finding the perfect fit for your sleeping style, you can also ensure other conditions are considered, such as those who may have allergies.

Paying More For Your Mattress: What Options Are Available

Many people prefer to pay outright for their mattresses, but sometimes they pay via credit. Although there is no issue, you must consider all financial commitments beforehand. The following is an overview of how mattresses can be purchased using credit and some of the considerations that need to be made.

  • Credit Card – Many people have access to a credit card, but credit terms for each person can vary. In most instances, those who pay their balance in full will not pay any interest, which can be ideal for those searching for a mattress, knowing it can be covered in the future. However, those who pay in instalments must factor in interest, as only making minimum monthly payments can mean purchasing a mattress is more expensive.
  • Pay In Instalments – Many will pay the full amount or pay in instalments when purchasing a mattress online. Although similar to a credit card, some mattress suppliers will provide instalments for 0% finance, which is ideal for those on a budget, as they’re not paying more because of interest. However, it is essential that you can meet these payments. Otherwise, it could cause adverse reports on your credit file.
  • Post-Purchase Payments – Third-party apps like Klarna and AfterPay have found favour with modern shoppers, and they can be a great way of splitting your payments when searching for a mattress. However, there can be limitations, as not every store will support a specific provider. Furthermore, the terms and conditions of apps can vary, so much research can be needed before committing to the best one.

How Do I Determine the Best Payment Type for Me?

There can be a lot of horror stories associated with credit, but they can be beneficial when used in the right way. For example, if you need a new mattress and boost your credit score, then using credit can be perfect. However, if you are unsure of your financial standing in the future, you should try and pay outright, so there is no danger of credit adversely affecting you.

Saving Money When Searching For a Mattress

How much you can save when shopping for a mattress can depend on how much time you’re willing to invest. However, those who become savvy online can make a series of savings when searching for the perfect mattress, including the following.

  1. Interact With Companies via Social Media – Many will already know how popular social media is; plenty of companies want to connect with brand-new customers. Sometimes, this will be done via special offers and discount codes. Whether saving 10% or enjoying some free extra extras, social media can be the perfect starting point when searching for special offers.
  2. Dedicated Discount Websites – A simple Google search will unveil a wide range of websites offering users discounts daily, many of which can be used to purchase a new mattress. Of course, you must ensure that the chosen mattress can meet your requirements, but discount code websites can be another fantastic way of saving.
  3. Make Savings With Large Purchases – If you’re paying outright for a mattress, other items, including pillows and duvet covers, will often be purchased. In some instances, those spending a lot on mattresses may receive additional items at no extra charge. This won’t always be the case, but it is something else worth considering when shopping for a new mattress.

Final Thoughts on How Much to Spend on a Mattress

As you can see, there is no definitive amount when searching for a new mattress, as it often depends on your circumstances and requirements. However, knowing about the options available, what is available for your budget, and the different ways of paying ensures that you can find the right mattress and make payments without issue. Furthermore, if you are willing to conduct some mattress research, you may find discounts, sales or free items that ensure you receive excellent value when buying a mattress.

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